Posted in Everyday Life, Everyday Wafflings, Wedding

One Year until We Say “I Do”

“Seems silly, doesn’t it? A wedding. Given everything that’s going on.” – Ginny Weasley
“Maybe that’s the best reason to have it. Because of everything going on.” – Harry Potter

Hello lovely readers, fellow bloggers, and (for this post) beautiful Bride-to-Be’s!
Its definitely been a while since I’ve found myself on here or find myself having anything to actually write about. I’m sure we’ll all look back on the year 2020 with a hugely mixed bag of emotions. A year of complete upset to each and every one of us, lightly dusted with sprinkle of happiness and gratefulness for everything we hold dear. Our family, like many others, has experienced heartbreak this year and it almost feels awkward (and… well, wrong!) to even start thinking about or planning for better times ahead… However, those who we have lost would want it this way, and we honor their glorious lives by thinking ahead to a better future despite their absence that will not doubt be felt at the making of every new memory ❤

Last November, Kris dragged me up Aira Force and Gowbarrow Summit in Ullswater, Lake District for our usual trek! Half way up, I twisted my knee but Kris was absolutely determined to get to the top! He began staying really far ahead of me and only returning only to give me sweets (if that’s not positive reinforcement then I don’t know what is..) until we got to the peak. The view was breathtaking; it was raining, it was muddy, I couldn’t see through the glasses because of water speckles, and we had the entire summit to ourselves surround by the rolling fells of one of the most gorgeous parts of the United Kingdom. Perfect. And then I turned around, and Kris was on one knee. When I say the world felt like it tilted on its axis, I really mean it! I felt like I was going to pass out! Then I asked him if he was joking, got down in the mud with him and ugly cried with sheer delight! He’s definitely the man for me if he can take that level of snotty, wet, unattractiveness and not secret that ring back away in his coat like it never happened…

After reveling in our newly engaged bubble for the festive season (we didn’t want to rush ahead with Christmas coming, and we really wanted to take time to enjoy all of the feels with our families, friends, and each other), we began our wedding planning in January this year. This was when the hard bit started…
I, like many women, have often found myself daydreaming since I was a small child about what my wedding day would be like. Its extremely exciting (and terrifying)! To be honest, I became completely obsessed and had a serious case of mention-itous. Back in the present day, I scoured Instagram, Wedding Magazines (possibly one of the most useless things I’ve ever bought but I think its a right of passage to purchase one), Wedding Fayres, and I have lost count of the amount of times I’ve found myself on the wrong side of Pintrest looking at things I would never ever even consider as an a option saying “Oooh, thats an idea.” (FYI, no its not, put the phone down and STEP AWAY!). And obviously, whilst Kris is involved as I love to have his opinion, I have found his usual opinion is ” Whatever you want Princess.” *insert dramatic eye roll here* This is not the answer of my dreams… Princess doesn’t know what she wants!!!

It was only when we’d booked our venue and been for a second viewing (my parents in tow), that I actually sat back and genuinely thought about how I’d like our wedding to be. How it could be like us, not like everyone else on Insta, Pintrest, you name it. And that is one of thee biggest pieces of advice I could give anyone just starting to plan a wedding. Whilst its completely acceptable and so much fun to get lost down a rabbit warren on Pintrest, make sure you come back to the matter at hand. Be true to yourself (I didn’t want corny, but see me there, throwing in the whole genie from a lamp advice).

With that in mind, here I am writing the introduction to my mini-series about our wedding. Just snapshots! You may find it completely boring, you may find it insightful, you may find it fascinating purely because you love anything ‘wedding’ (like me). And for me personally, I wanted to write a little bit about certain parts of the organisation and run up as almost a memory bank… Like a highlight reel that I can look back on when we’ve been married for 50 years (if I’ll even be able to use the newfangled computers by then, who knows?! But I could always ask a grandchild of ours to read it to us for one of my homemade shortbread… or, you know, a fiver).

So, if you’re here for this journey, Welcome! I hope you enjoy ❤

Next Stop is… Choosing Our Venue

Love SSA x

Posted in Everyday Life, Everyday Wafflings

Welcome to the New Decade..!

Hello everyone, and a very Happy New Year to you all!

I trust you all had a wonderful festive season, and are now in that strange, foggy lull of not knowing what day it is (even if you’re back at work!). Apologies for the radio silence over the past few months (I’m kidding myself if I think you’ve actually noticed, but its nice to be polite), but its been 100 miles an hour here lately.

Now I’m not going to do a really long post reminiscing the last decade or year, because way too much has happened and to be completely frank, I do not have the time nor brain-power right now #festivefog. What I will say, is that there have been many ups and downs in the past ten years; none of which I can or would change as they shape who we all are. 2019 was quite the spectacular year for me. I really pushed myself to do things that I was afraid of, and I had a better year for it. So, that life lesson, along with my superb family, friends and fiancé (OMFG!), are going forward with me into the Twenties!

I don’t know about you guys, but I really feel January. Yes, we’re usually on the ‘come-down’ from all the festivities of December; yes, we’re all broke because its a five week month; and yes, even though we’re desperate to step away from all the beige food, you can’t quite help yourself reaching for those remaining Fox’s biscuits in the tin (because if you don’t eat them they’ll a) just go to waste and that would be a TRAVESTY, and b) the quicker you eat them, the quicker they’re gone and the house can be treat free ready for your diet). But I’ve always been amazed at what January can do for a person! This is the month where most people find hope. Whether that be the hope that the new year will bring better luck than the previous, or for the hope of the person you will become; fitter, slimmer, more positive, more assertive. I don’t know where it comes from, but its hope and positivity for better-ness. And for this, I like January!

Taking away from last year, I will henceforth venture into 2020 with the exact same attitude as I entered 2019! I will continue to do and try new things that scare me, whether that be a new class or a life adventure! So, I urge you to tear off the cellophane of your new 2020 diaries (that you will promise to do your best handwriting in), exercise that writing hand (that you’ll have forgotten how to use since being off work for the shutdown), and MAKE SOME PLANS! Get togethers, walks, coffee catch-ups, a new fitness class; whatever you want, just do it.

So whatever you are hoping to achieve in the Twenties, I wish you the very very best for 2020 and the coming years. May your lives and hearts be full.





Posted in Adventures, Cancer Research UK, Everyday Life, Everyday Wafflings, Health, Race for Life

Race for Life Reflection

Good Morning Everyone, and a very happy Monday to you all!

I am… Absolutely shattered!
Yesterday was the day that I’d been working towards since registering for Race for Life. Now, I am not a natural runner… I’m not lean and graceful like a gazelle, instead I’m more on the curvier side; like a hippo, if you will. But I persevered through the training sessions, along with the boobage, and arrived like the early bird ready to catch the metaphorical worm that was the Race for Life track!

I won’t bore you for a long time with what happened in the interim, but a quick word of advice, GET THERE EARLY! My parents all got stuck in traffic, and since Mom had the pins for my back sign, I had to leave for the race without seeing them first, and without my sign! It gets so busy, and definitely go to the loo super early too. Me and Rochelle kept needing it constantly because of the nerves, and the line was about as long as the track!

Race for Life gets all those taking part to gather at the podium to share survivors stories, and they give you all a warm-hearted thank you for not only taking part, but also for the money that you all raise. They also used some local Personal Trainers to help us all singing along and get us warmed up before the race. It’s actually a very emotional time, and you don’t expect it! You’re aware of why you’re running the race, but you get so caught up in getting ready and raising your money, that I think you forget about who YOU’RE doing it for and the memories that you have with those people. It all gets brought to the forefront at this particular moment, those who’ve fought, those you’ve lost, and those who are still fighting every day. I did it for my Nanny b.b., and also my Aunty Margaret and Grandad Malcolm, both of whom are still with us today and fighting this disease! I began to feel very sad that I hadn’t found Mom in time, and would be running without my tribute, but at that exact moment (I don’t have a clue how he found me in a sea of 1800 people; its obviously a parent thing) my dearest Papa grabbed my shoulder and presented me with my tribute and four safety pins! I could have cried with happiness! ❤ We pinned me in on the way to the start line, and set off to The Greatest Showman’s ‘This Is Me”!

There were points when it was hard (remember what I said about me not being a natural runner!), and it got so hot at times that I thought I was going to keel over from stitch… But seeing the sign that says ‘Finish line this way!’ and sprinting down the last stretch towards the victory bell whilst you’re whole family cheers you on, made it all completely worth it! As I rang that bell, I felt so so sooo proud! And extremely emotional. I was so proud of my amazing family, who had all taken the time to come and support me on the day; swapping shifts, moving things around, assisting me in making sure I was race ready. I was proud of how much we’d raised! We’d absolutely smashed our target! And, I was also proud of myself! I wouldn’t even run for a bus back when I was a teen, now I’d just done a 5k race and actually RAN for 85% of it! I never thought I’d do anything like that, I didn’t think that I could. But I DID! I’d also smashed my personal target of raising £100, and actually raised £160 (with more donations still to go!)! Proud, is definitely how I felt. Of everything, and everyone ❤ ❤

My goodness, it was such a amazing day! As Mom calls it, “It’s a memory day.”, and I wholeheartedly agree. We couldn’t have asked for a better day” The sun was shining, our family was there, we had a wonderful picnic together and then went off to the pub to congratulate ourselves, catch up, and be an awesome, if slightly dysfunctional, family.

I’d just like to say an absolutely huge thank you to everyone! To every who supported us, donated to us, and sent their well wishes for the race! We really appreciate it, and are so grateful from the bottom of our hearts! ❤

To anyone thinking of walking, jogging, or running at a Race for Life event next year, please do it! Go and get registered! It really is one of the best days that you will have. Don’t think that you can’t do it, because you can! Their website lists all of the races and Pretty Muddy’s that you can take part in. If you’d still like to donate, I’ve left the link at the end of this blog post.

All my love,


Together; we CAN beat cancer!


Posted in Adventures, Everyday Wafflings, Holidays, Travel

Bristol Getaway

Good Afternoon lovely people!

I hope that you’re all well and enjoying this glorious, spring-time weather that we’re having (dunno about  you guys, but the rains been a smidge torrential here at times!). It feels like an absolute age since I managed to get on here and write an actual post! For those of you who saw the recipe I uploaded, YOU ARE WELCOME. Best cake of my entire life! Honestly, its stunning. WARNING: Sammy Strikes Again moment. Handy tip though, make sure you oven cook it…  As in, don’t grill it… Like I did. I got the setting wrong on Mom’s oven and yeah… We wondered why it took 1.5 hours to bake unlike the 20 minutes that the recipe suggests. Oh well! Still yummy! Other than this, our Easter was gloriously chilled and family-filled, it left my feeling extremely smug and content to be honest.

So! Last month me and Kris set off on another mini-break. We’re determined to visit some new places this year, and Bristol was one of those on our list. We’d briefly been before, but this time, we had plenty more time to explore!

The first stop on our whistle-stop tour of Bristol was one of the most iconic sights on the Bristol skyline; Clifton Suspension Bridge. We walked up from the centre of town, getting very very VERY wet on the way up. I cannot stress how soaked we actually got… I could have squeezed out my denim jacket! We were incredibly glad when we saw the Clifton Observatory was open! The Clifton Observatory provides you with fantastic (even in the wet weather and fog) panoramic views over the bridge, city and the river the flows through. I definitely recommend a visit to the Giant’s (or Ghyston’s) Cave if you’re popping into the Observatory, as its underneath, deep in the rock face. You travel down the compact, 220 feet tunnel (BEWARE: the taller amongst you will have issues… It is very steep and tight, so you do have to scrunch up your body in some places. Kris is 6ft and he had issues but luckily he’s quite nimble. I am 5ft7… I am not nimble. We both agreed that my stepdad, Lee, who is 6ft4 and broad, would just get wedged…). Eventually, the tunnel opens out into a cave halfway down the cliff-face about 250 feet from the gorge below. There are railings! And the view of the suspension bridge from the middle of a cliff is quite spectacular! However, being able to step out onto a grid just outside the cliff edge, with nothing but that grid and air between your feet and the road, is not my cup of tea. Heights isn’t really the issue, the issue is being about to see how far I am from the road. I touched it with the tip of my pump, and that’s as far as I was ever going to go. However, Kris, has no sense of danger. Absolutely no fear. As you will see from the photos, he’s happy to have photographs and even dance on this HAZARD! I like to think that I’m not dull.. Just that I have a healthy respect for danger.

Once we’d left the cave, we ventured back out in the rain (we were still wet anyway, sop why not embrace it!) to get a good look at the view and bridge. It is fascinating to find out how they built it back in 1864 (I think) and how its still open and in use now! I took some nice shots despite the conditions, and it actually looked like the bridge was suspended over a rain forest haha!

After our visit to Clifton, we decided to continue with our voyage of knowledge and headed the Museum and Art Gallery. They have lots of really interesting exhibits, including a Japanese Prints exhibit (showing life in the city through the centuries and how its still extremely prominent in current culture), an excellent nature exhibit, the work of Banksy, an Egyptian exhibit, and they were showcasing Leonardo da Vinci whilst we were there. Unfortunately, we didn’t have time to go around it. There were a lot of families there, and the museum seems to cater for young learners very well (the dinosaur exhibit was extremely popular, with the kids and with Kris)!

After all this learning, we decided to pop to Za Za Bazaar for a buffet lunch. This had been recommended by a good friend, and it did not disappoint. Plenty of food and cuisines to choose from, Indian, Mexican, Italian, and Chinese, and each station had a ‘Live’ counter, where you could have food freshly cooked for you. There was also a chocolate fountain, so I was happy!

Our last stop on our quick tour of Bristol was the Cathedral. This magnificent building sits proudly within its own grassy square, surrounded by cafes and high street shops. Somehow, it seems very fitting and at home there. From what I could tell, Bristol was quite the melting pot of nationalities, cultures, and probably, religions. It was nice to be out of the bustling streets for a bit of quietness and contemplation. I’m not overly religious, and neither is Kris, but the inside and outside of this place of worship is really quite gorgeous, and it does make you stop and stare in awe at the craftsmanship that went into each window and eave.

So! That was our day in Bristol done! I hope you enjoyed my little rundown! I’d definitely go back, as it would be nice to stay over and see some nightlife there (only til about 10pm, cos you know, granny-life over here). The city caters for everyone, local or visiting. There is culture, history, shopping, chic bars, as well as independent and well-known eateries. Its well worth a visit as there is plenty to do!



Posted in Everyday Life, Everyday Wafflings

Goodbye Blue January! Get out! Do NOT come back. 

Hello everyone, and welcome back!

Well, it’s only the 13th Feb, (and I don’t want to jinx it) but things have definitely been looking more ‘up’ during the second month of this fine year. Obviously, we still have quite a few things going on family-wise, as briefly mentioned in my last post, but February is definitely much more positive, focused, and dare I say it, but the promise of spring-time seems to be in the air! Snow drops are blooming in gardens, its slightly less icy in the mornings, slightly less dark in the evenings, and the shops are stocked with bountiful tulips and daffodils that will undoubtedly find their way into our homes, bringing much-needed brightness with them (that was a bit flowery, but what can I say, I like the spring!).

So, I thought I’d do a quick update on what I’ve been up to the past few weeks. Not that its much, but I’ve definitely been using February to prepare for other big events that will come to pass later in the year.

First of all, my friend Rochelle and I  have signed up to Race For Life 5k! It’s one of those things that I’ve always wanted to do, and for some reason, have never done it. What better than making it my second ‘Things I’ve Never Done’ for 2019 (the first being starting a blog). I know 5k might not seem like a lot, but for me, it’ll be a huge achievement. I wouldn’t even run for the bus at college..! However, the past year and a half or so I’ve been pushing myself, and have actually been running quite frequently. I do have zero stamina though, so I’ll be training for this event. It’s such an important issue, and I feel that we’ve all been affected by Cancer, whether that be direct or indirect. It’s a terrible disease, and Rochelle and I are determined to not only raise as much money as we can, but also to actually RUN (not run for 3 minutes and then walk it) the whole 5k for our family members. So its also a bit of a personal victory for us both! If you would like to donate to our team, I’ve popped the link in below.

Now, what else have I done so far this month?

Oh, we’ve been shopping! Homeware shopping, to be precise. Kris and I will be house hunting VERY soon! Its so exciting! However, I do find myself getting slightly overwhelmed by the smallest thing… An example of this is when we paid a nice little visit to Homesense on Saturday. Kris came around the corner to pots and pans carnage. There was me, with about 10 pans of various sizes scattered around my feet, wailing “I don’t know which ones to get. I don’t know how many I need! Do you think I should get a large saute pan and the wok? OH, a tiny wok, we need this.” Luckily, Kris understands how to get on my level. He does this by simply taking the useless pans away (goodbye tiny wok), and moving me briskly towards the check-out before I spot anything else…
I am aware that we don’t currently have a house, however, it would be my worse nightmare to move into a house that I don’t have a thing for. It goes completely against the grain of my being a serial and avid organiser. Also, the stress that comes with moving and sorting out a new (and FIRST!) abode, will be plentiful without my shopping for tiny woks juuuuust tipping us over the hysterical edge…
Other than Homesense, I love Marks and Spencers for homeware, and they’re currently hosting their Home Event, so obviously I slid right into their website and filled up my basket. Whoops! But, when I looked back at the things we’ve brought, we seem to have the majority of things that we’d need to initially make our house functional as a home. Its nice that it only really leaves the bigger things, such as a sofa, bed, washing machine, fridge, etc to get. I definitely can’t get these things yet as a) we don’t know the size of the house or rooms, but also b) the ‘bottom drawer’ that Mom suggested I create, is now less of a drawer and more of a garage… I was simply following her advice!

Anyway, I’m off now, after boring you. We’re off for a mini-break to a little, cosy cottage in the Peak District tomorrow; fresh-air, rolling hills, and alot of carbs are definitely a must! I may do a little blog post on that when we come back. Have a great day tomorrow, be that whether you celebrate Valentines, Galentines, or Anti-Valentines..! ❤




Posted in Everyday Life, Everyday Wafflings

Grateful January…

And just like that, the first month of 2019 is drawing to a close; hopefully taking winter with it… Don’t get me wrong, I am a huge fan of each of the seasons and adore them all for different reasons, but I think we can all not only agree that winter feels like it goes on forever, but also, that it feels like January 74th right now..!

Over this month, I noticed that a lot of people are doing ‘Grateful January’, which I think is a fantastic idea! We should always be grateful for all that we have, but as we all know, life has this habit of getting in the way and you don’t always notice that what is right there, at your feet… is what you’ve always wanted. I think its an excellent idea to be more mindful and bring focus to the things that are most important to you in your life.

To be honest, my January has been quite mixed… Just like the first day of school, on January 1st I was totally prepared for the year ahead! I had my new diary (an excellent birthday gift from a best friend of mine, she knows me so well!), I had a hearty breakfast, threw on my favourite jumper and we ventured out into Wyre Forest a long walk that would blow away the cobwebs of 2018!
Then… the rest of January happened.
Illness has rampaged through our family the past couple of months, whether it be ongoing ailments, the flu (which I caught from my Dad and kindly gave to my boyfriend, Kris), the trials of old age, and in one case, cancer. So as you can imagine, its sometimes hard to feel grateful when you could happily sit in the corner of a dark room, rocking back and forth, as parts of your life fall spectacularly to pieces.
The shining light, not only through these past few months, but always, is that family is the most important thing that we are all thankful for; whether it be that you are genetically related or not. They are always there to offer advice when you need support, a warm hug when nothing they can say can make the situation better, and to reassure you that “it’ll all come out in the wash, darling” (another of my Mom’s Nuggets of Wisdom) for when you’ve just got to suck it up and go through it!

I know this is probably rather sombre for my second post… but it felt important to me to write it because life isn’t all sweetness and light (or Instagram-able), but in no way is it absolute rubbish. The good always outweighs the bad. And its things like the love from your family and friends that make it absolutely EPIC!


p.s. As I said, it has been mixed, but good things have also happened which will be detailed in my next blog post! x