Posted in Beauty, Everyday Life, Everyday Wafflings, Haircare

Rapunzel, Rapunzel – Grow Gorgeous Hair Care Review

Hello you lovely lot who (hopefully) keep coming back to listen to me waffle on relentlessly about my life, habits and Sammy Strikes Again moments!

So, for this blog post I thought I’d do something completely different. I’m going to review some hair care products that I’ve been using the last couple of weeks, and just go over what I ordered, used, and any results I’ve seen.

Now, my problem with my hair, is that is very long. Don’t get me wrong, I love having long hair! Its almost like a safety blanket. I love to try different up-dos, having mermaid waves, and I like to twiddle it (I play with my hair constantly, how I don’t have bald patches I’ll never know). I don’t find it a chore either, so bonus! The only thing with it is… Well, actually I have two issue with it. One, its so long that it often feels and looks flat. Just weighed down by its own sheer length; and two, its not very thick. It looks thick! I think that’s because I wear it curly quite a lot. Anyway, the past month or so, whether its due to season change or what, but its looked more lifeless and limp than ever! And I’ve had really dry ends, which can make it painful to brush since it knots more. I don’t really have a big hair routine, not like I do for my skin. I usually wash my hair twice a week in whatever I can get my hands on, I let it dry naturally, I don’t use an products other than hairspray, but I do use a curling iron about four to five days out of seven.

So, like any normal 20-something woman, I follow a few beauty goddesses on Instagram and one that I favour in particular absolutely RAVES about these products. She doesn’t get paid by them to post ‘Ad’s’, she just really values that actual product! Also, she has really glossy locks so obviously I thought ‘I’ll jump on that bandwagon!’, and here we are.

This is what I ordered:

davHair Density Shampoo Intense – £29.50 (the shampoo and conditioner came as a bundle)

Hair Density Conditioner Intense – £29.50 (part of the bundle, otherwise £19.00 each)

Back to the Roots Hair Masque – £24.00

End Split Ends Serum – £19.00

As it happened, they have an offer at the moment whereby you get a free full-size product when you spend over £65, so I chose the Scalp Detox Scrub which is worth £28.00. The order also came with a free sachet of the Thickening Hair and Scalp Mask Intense! All of the items came with free next day delivery, and were superbly packaged!

They all smell fresh, almost of minty pomegranates! None of these products smell fake, like factory engineered strawberries or coconuts, they smell exactly like salon products! And this smell LASTS. I mean it, I could still smell the shampoo on my hair well into three days after! Which I think we can usually agree that the shampoo smells great in the shower, but usually has little to no scent once its dry or the next day, so this was a lovely surprise!

I started, as instructed by the packaging, with the Scalp Detox Scrub. It had never ever EVER occurred to me to scrub my scalp, but then again, I scrub my body so why not my scalp. The scrub claims to get rid of any excess product, and thus, revitalise the roots giving more volume and according to some of the other reviews, an extra day without washing. It is a bit difficult to use if you’ve never done it before, you have to get the scrub on the roots and obviously a mass of hair like mine, can sure as hell get in the way! Once its on its actually very satisfying and the menthol smell and tingling on your scalp is really soothing!

Once you’re thoroughly scrubbed, I hopped into the shower to use my new shampoo and conditioner. I didn’t use Back to the Roots on this day, as I didn’t know whether you could use two treatments on your scalp straight after one another, and there online chat wasn’t very helpful (they just send you the instructions again and again until you scream). So I figured that too much concentrate on your scalp couldn’t be good, and would use that another time. Now, the shampoo! One thing I really did notice was the lack of foam! It hardly bubbles up at all, which is something I think all of us are used to! I later found out that Grow Gorgeous are anti-foam due to science showing that its not necessarily kind to your hair! You learn something new every day! Make sure that you rinse all of the little scrubbing particles out, this can take a while, but its more reason to stay under that warm water. You do have to use a generous amount of both the shampoo and conditioner, but they really do leave your hair squeaky clean (LITERALLY)!

Before I dried (well, partially, I never fully dry it as I feel like it makes it drier, if that makes any sense) I used a good dollop of the End Split Ends serum. It smells just like the shampoo, and its extremely lightweight which is something I didn’t expect. Other serums have put me off in the past because I feel like they hang onto my hair and cause it to need another wash sooner… But this was heavenly!

In regards to the Back to the Roots, which I used about four days later when my hair was ready for its next wash, that was also strange to apply having never used a masque before. you have to apply it directly to the roots. I parted my hair the strips as if i were highlighting it, and just massaged it into the roots as I went. Again, this also has a salon smell and gives a menthol coolness to your scalp. Its not uncomfortable, just made me cold haha! The instructions say to leave for 10 minutes or longer, so I left it for 20, naturally.


So, my opinion! Actually, from what I can see and what I have experienced with my own hair these past couple of weeks, I really rate these products! My hair does have more volume and definitely isn’t as flat! It does feel a bit thicker too, and is definitely glossier than it was (photo uploaded above, its hard to take one of the back of your head!). It behaves a lot better than it did; hardly any flyaways, less dryness, easily managed. As for going for an extra day without washing, I haven’t really noticed, but I only washed my hair twice a week anyway! However, my main concerns have been met (so far) by the products that I chose. I would definitely recommend the products that I’ve had experience with and am currently very hair-happy!

Hope you enjoyed my first go at a review!



I purchased these products with my own money. This review is completely unpaid and the thoughts/feelings are completely my own. I just really enjoyed and loved these products!