Posted in Adventures, Cancer Research UK, Everyday Life, Everyday Wafflings, Health, Race for Life

Race for Life Reflection

Good Morning Everyone, and a very happy Monday to you all!

I am… Absolutely shattered!
Yesterday was the day that I’d been working towards since registering for Race for Life. Now, I am not a natural runner… I’m not lean and graceful like a gazelle, instead I’m more on the curvier side; like a hippo, if you will. But I persevered through the training sessions, along with the boobage, and arrived like the early bird ready to catch the metaphorical worm that was the Race for Life track!

I won’t bore you for a long time with what happened in the interim, but a quick word of advice, GET THERE EARLY! My parents all got stuck in traffic, and since Mom had the pins for my back sign, I had to leave for the race without seeing them first, and without my sign! It gets so busy, and definitely go to the loo super early too. Me and Rochelle kept needing it constantly because of the nerves, and the line was about as long as the track!

Race for Life gets all those taking part to gather at the podium to share survivors stories, and they give you all a warm-hearted thank you for not only taking part, but also for the money that you all raise. They also used some local Personal Trainers to help us all singing along and get us warmed up before the race. It’s actually a very emotional time, and you don’t expect it! You’re aware of why you’re running the race, but you get so caught up in getting ready and raising your money, that I think you forget about who YOU’RE doing it for and the memories that you have with those people. It all gets brought to the forefront at this particular moment, those who’ve fought, those you’ve lost, and those who are still fighting every day. I did it for my Nanny b.b., and also my Aunty Margaret and Grandad Malcolm, both of whom are still with us today and fighting this disease! I began to feel very sad that I hadn’t found Mom in time, and would be running without my tribute, but at that exact moment (I don’t have a clue how he found me in a sea of 1800 people; its obviously a parent thing) my dearest Papa grabbed my shoulder and presented me with my tribute and four safety pins! I could have cried with happiness! ❤ We pinned me in on the way to the start line, and set off to The Greatest Showman’s ‘This Is Me”!

There were points when it was hard (remember what I said about me not being a natural runner!), and it got so hot at times that I thought I was going to keel over from stitch… But seeing the sign that says ‘Finish line this way!’ and sprinting down the last stretch towards the victory bell whilst you’re whole family cheers you on, made it all completely worth it! As I rang that bell, I felt so so sooo proud! And extremely emotional. I was so proud of my amazing family, who had all taken the time to come and support me on the day; swapping shifts, moving things around, assisting me in making sure I was race ready. I was proud of how much we’d raised! We’d absolutely smashed our target! And, I was also proud of myself! I wouldn’t even run for a bus back when I was a teen, now I’d just done a 5k race and actually RAN for 85% of it! I never thought I’d do anything like that, I didn’t think that I could. But I DID! I’d also smashed my personal target of raising £100, and actually raised £160 (with more donations still to go!)! Proud, is definitely how I felt. Of everything, and everyone ❤ ❤

My goodness, it was such a amazing day! As Mom calls it, “It’s a memory day.”, and I wholeheartedly agree. We couldn’t have asked for a better day” The sun was shining, our family was there, we had a wonderful picnic together and then went off to the pub to congratulate ourselves, catch up, and be an awesome, if slightly dysfunctional, family.

I’d just like to say an absolutely huge thank you to everyone! To every who supported us, donated to us, and sent their well wishes for the race! We really appreciate it, and are so grateful from the bottom of our hearts! ❤

To anyone thinking of walking, jogging, or running at a Race for Life event next year, please do it! Go and get registered! It really is one of the best days that you will have. Don’t think that you can’t do it, because you can! Their website lists all of the races and Pretty Muddy’s that you can take part in. If you’d still like to donate, I’ve left the link at the end of this blog post.

All my love,


Together; we CAN beat cancer!